A pair of hide-and-seek pros

When my sister and I played hide and seek as kids, we hid in all the usual places - behind doors or crouched beside dressers, maybe crawled underneath the porch. I thought we were pretty good but after playing hide-and-seek with my niece and nephews tonight, I realize we were amateurs.
My niece and oldest nephew will hide anywhere. They burrow underneath sofa cushions, curl up in the hall linen cabinets, squeeze underneath the bed. You can find them crouched in the pantry closet or huddled in a room’s corner. 
They won't make a peep. They are silent hiders. I was really scratching my head at one point after looking into every room's closet and underneath every bed frame when I finally found them sitting behind the bathroom's door.
The best part is actually finding them. Opening a door or turning the corner I am usually greeted by two huge smiles.
Even Colin, the youngest, is getting on board with the game. I took him with me to hide in a closet during tonight's game. He giggled and shouted things like "Maiwen and Conner don't find us!"
"Shhhhhh!" I jokingly said.
"Mawien and Connor don't find us," he whispered.
Although I love to search for them; counting can be a bit of a chore. Sometimes I am permitted to count to 20 but other times when they are looking to hide in an extra special place, I am instructed to count to 80 or 100.
But when I can cry out "Ready or not, here I come!" that's when the fun begins and I can search for those smiling faces.

An ultimate hiding spot - the Rubbermaid "kiddie pool."


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