Looking back

I saw my old college dorm Saturday. Observing the looming red brick building and a zig-zag metal stairwell, the place had not changed during the past eight years.

I thought about all the times I had to beat on the residence assistant's door to get him to open our door because I had locked myself out. I remembered the towers of canned green beans and corn that were stacked beside the miniscule oven. We lived in that residence hall for a year and those teetering towers of canned produce never seemed to decrease.

When one of my roommates' sisters came to stay with us, she and I would watch TV shows from her sibling's impressive Japanese anime collection. The plots ranged from teenagers fighting in robots in outer space to high school couples dealing with adolescent dramas. Whether floating through the galaxies or walking through a school hallway, all the characters were bug-eyed and spoke with high-pitch voices.

Some nights we would stuff ourselves into someone's car and drive off into the night to explore some back country road in Alamosa. A techno tune would blare through the car's speakers.

Those days are over and I am happy we have all moved on to bigger and better things but returning to our former stomping grounds was similar to unearthing a time capsule. It gave me a twinge of nostalgia to revisit where we all had been and discover just how far we had all come.


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