My first literary effort |
I've always loved the written word. Sure, many of my loves have blossomed then withered away but writing may just be my one, true, eternal love. I still have my first story that I wrote while in elementary school. It is in a journal that has a cat seated in a bookshelf on the cover. The animal has a fantastic scowl on its face. The book is 20 plus years old but that cat's glare is still as piercing as when I first cracked the journal open. So what was the story about it? At the time, L.M. Montgomery, the author of the "Anne of Green Gables" series, was my favorite author so I conjured up a love story that was similar to Gilbert Blythe's and Anne Shirley's. It is actually not finished and I attempted a few months ago to read my first literary enterprise. Couldn't understand any of it. My handwriting in some places is a complete mystery.
What I clearly remember is how much fun I had scribbling away in that journal; the story just flowing out with each scratch of the pencil.
The joy of creation is an addictive thing; it is what keeps me writing. So unlike so many other things that I picked up and then dropped - volleyball, figure skating, ballet-writing is the one thing I tightened my grip around and refused to let go.
Maybe one of these days I'll go back to that first story; whip some sense into it and actually give it an ending. Show that story some love.
This cat has NEVER been happy! |
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