Another door opens

It was 9 a.m. and I hadn't received the call. Then it was 1 p.m. and my heart skipped a beat every time I heard my phone ring. But none of the rings produced the call that I had been waiting for. Turns out I was not the only one waiting on pins and needles. A friend called to see if I had a particular phone conversation, and my mother wondered if there was any news to report. Meanwhile, I studied the screen on my phone, willing it to ring. It didn't.
Since my phone wasn't doing my bidding, I took matters into my hands and made the call myself. Turns out there are benefits to taking matters into your own hands - one being you get a job offer. I whooped and hollered when I got the offer. I danced around my kitchen and bought a song  on iTunes I wanted but told myself I could only get if I recieved the job.
It's great to see another door open after seeing my last career get shut tight. I am hopeful to see what this new opening brings. And so a new anticipation begins.
A new door opens.


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