The times they are a changing ...

Did you know that Saturn is loosing its rings? That is correct; those gorgeous, multi-tone rings of ice and rock are slowly disppearing - time and gravity are swallowing them up. I read that in a blurb from the New York Times. The newspaper interviewed a scientist who chastised the common layman (myself included) who all incorrectly assumed that time and change just stops after leaving the Earth's atmosphere. Fools. Nothing is immune to time or change. It happens here and it happens across the solar system. In my world, a mega change is about to happen when another one of my sister's children graduates high school next week. A little closer to my orbit, I said goodbye to my persimmon colored couch today. I loved that couch. Not only because it had such a unique color - not quite orange and not quite red - but because I bought it myself with my own money. All my other furniture came from my parents' home or I got as a gift from my parents or grandparents. So I felt proud and grown up when I clicked the "buy" button on the website. But like Saturn's rings, it just didn't last. It got worn and feathers were constantly protruding from it. When I managed to yank out one feather, only to have a series of them twirl out like a banner of scarves being pulled from magician's hat, I decided that the couch had met its end at my house. It was time for a change and time for a new sofa. So Habitat for Humanity came and hauled it away and my new one arrives Monday. The sofa isn't, to my dismay, permission colored but a sensible neutral color. Still, it is really striking looking, plus, it is fresh and brand new. Change can't be stopped but here's hoping, for all us, and no matter the amount, that the change is for the better. 


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