'Move the world to the place we prefer it to be'

Hunter S. Thompson referred to 1971 as the "foul year of our Lord" in his book, "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas". I wonder how he would have described this year. You thought 1971 was bad, Hunter? Just you wait. 

I am not going to lie. I hate Nov. 5, 2024. It will, for the rest of my days, live as the reminder of how the person I hate most in the world got elected to the one job he was never qualified for by millions of people  whose adoration he never deserved. Why was Donald J. Trump elected again? I can't tell you. I don't care. I am too angry and anxious about what comes next. What new Hell will he and all his sycophants unleash on the world? If there is anything my 44 years on Earth have shown is things can always get worse. 

But enough about my pessimism. Because here's the other thing I've picked up during my numerous times around the sun: while bad things happen; life always endures.  We keep truckin'. Look at everything we have been through before. There's been a lot. 

Despite this revelation, when Nov. 6 came I didn't really feel motivated to do anything; I just wanted to curl up in bed and wait for the next four years to be over. But then I listened to John Stewart's take on the election: "We're all going to have wake up tomorrow morning, and work like hell, to move the world to the place we prefer it to be." Truer words have never been spoken. So no hibernation and no more pessimism. It's time to act.   


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