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Happy Birthday To Me!

Still crazy after all these years.  Tomorrow is a my birthday. As I told my boss, it is the big 4-4. It got me thinking about when I was a kid and I would try and imagine what I would be like as an adult. It seemed like adult Kirsten would be some sort of alien from another planet; I couldn't grasp a version of myself as old. Well, being old has reared its grey-haired, wrinkled face head at me. It isn't as strange or foreign as I once thought. As my boss said, you feel pretty much like you always did.  It is kind of funny when I think back on what I would daydream about my future life as an adult. It wasn't about having kids or being married; it was always about the interior of my home. What would it look it? How would I decorate it? I would mentally design the bathroom, the living room, the bedroom. Sometimes it was an apartment and sometimes it was a full-blown mansion. Whatever the home, I always fantasized that I earned it by being exceptional at something. That was wha

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