A huge thank you

Moving is not easy. Especially when you choose to move during a weekend filled with grey slush, slick ice, freezing wind and constant snowflakes. I tried to do what I could prior to the big moving day. I would often come to my condo in the dark with stacks of cardboard boxes in the trunk of my car. The darkness and the silence that filled the place made me feel a little like a backwards burgular. I was breaking into the place to deposit my own things.
Despite my late-night runs, there was still a lot of work to do and two people made this move a smashing success. They dedicated themselves to this cause - they manuevered bureaus and sofas up and down stairs that were encrusted with ice and snow and calculated how to get furniture up a tightly turned staircase. They worked with bad knees and backs that are prone to aches.
When I looked at my move, I despaired at the tower of obstacles it had stacked against us. But these two never buckled at the pressure.
So I send out a huge thank-you to my father and brother-in-law. They came. They worked. They were victorious.

The moving champs


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