Getting by with a little help from my friends

It's been said a million times how friends and family are invaluable. The true friends never leave you in a lurch or abandon you, as some of the sayings go. I've heard these statements made over and over again and I carelessly brushed them off as being cliche. Recent events however, have proven me wrong.
When I packed up my things at my former job, my friends  and family were there to offer support and sympathy. Their messages  shooed away the rain cloud I had brewing over my head and proped me up when I was sinking. They recommended job positings to explore and even offered part-time work.
I have run  my financial situation over and over in my head, fearful that my future includes a cardboard box home. Yet, sitting at my parents' dinner table tonight and listening to my father tell me not to worry, some opportunity would come come up, I realized just how fortunate I am.
So to everyone who has offered words of support or a helping hand, I feel very indebted to you all. There is no way I could ever repay you  for what you have done for me so I will just leave you with this - thank you.

Me hanging out with my best bud - my sister.


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